Linux 安裝 GNOME 透過 yum下載套件

  1. At first we need to install X Windows components, to do that hit the following command in shell by root user credentials,
    [root@hostname`]# yum groupinstall -y "X Window System"
    You will see following similar screen,
  2. Now we can download and install GNOME desktop. To do so, hit the following commands,
    [root@hostname`]# yum groupinstall -y "Desktop"
  3. As of now the server is running in CLI mode. So we need to configure the setting to start the server in GUI mode. To do that edit /etc/inittab file.
    [root@hostname`]# vi /etc/inittab
    Here change,
    /* 第三步可有可無,指的是開機預設是畫面 3=command 5=GUI */
  4. Download and install the fonts for GUI.
    [root@hostname`]# yum groupinstall -y fonts
  5. You can now start the GUI from CLI,
    [root@hostname`]# startx
  6. You can switch back between GUI and CLI.
    CLI to GUI : Ctrl + Alt + F1
    GUI to CLI : Ctrl + Alt + F6
    You have now have successfully installed GNOME GUI. Restart the server and you will have GUI on your screen.


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