Oracle install when selinux is enforcing / 安裝 Oracle 能開啟 selinux 嗎?

依據 Oracle 論壇 "SELinux option" 討論串,分別說明1529864.1, 2196074.1, 1962100.1這三篇文章,內容都告知,selinux在預設開啟的狀況下,是可以安裝Oracle軟體,雖然部份文章說安裝完後,會有listener、sqlplus等,在說明重開時會無法啟動,後來這些文章有修改或補充內容,經內部測試後都能正常執行,也許不能開啟selinux的狀況只存在於RHEL5/OL5


Requirements for Installing Oracle Database 12.1 on RHEL6 or OL6 64-bit (x86-64) (Doc ID 1529864.1)

8. By default, RHEL 6 x86_64 Linux is installed with SELinux as "enforcing". This is fine for the Oracle Database 12.1 installation process.

Requirements for Installing Oracle Database 12.2 on OL6 or RHEL6 64-bit (x86-64) (Doc ID 2196074.1)

7. By default, RHEL 6 x86_64 Linux is installed with SELinux as "enforcing". This is fine for the Oracle Database 12.2 installation process.

Requirements for Installing Oracle RDBMS on OL7 or RHEL7 64-bit (x86-64) (Doc ID 1962100.1)

7. By default, RHEL 7 x86_64 Linux is installed with SELinux as "enforcing". This is fine for the 11gR2 installation process. However, to subsequently run "sqlplus", switch SELinux to the "Permissive" mode. See NOTE 454196.1, "./sqlplus: error on cannot restore segment prot after reloc" for more details.
UPDATE: Internal testing suggests that there is no problem running "sqlplus" with SELinux in "enforcing" mode on RHEL7/OL7. The problem only affects RHEL5/OL5.


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