User 相關指令
-- Users/Schema 建立流程 -- 建立 Scheam create user user_name identified by password; -- 授權連線/資源 grant create session, resource to user_name; -- 建立 User 專屬 tablespace 空間 (依需求) create tablespace tbs1 datafile 1g autoextned on next 100m maxsize unlimited; -- 調整 user 的預設 tablespace (預設剛建好的schema都是使用users這個tablespace)(依需求) alter user user_name default tablespace tbs1; -- 調整 user 對 tablespace 的使用空間 (依需求) alter user user_name quota unlimited on tbs1; -- 測試以下執行過程都沒錯誤的話,就表示schema建立正常無誤 conn user_name/password create table t1 (c1 int); insert into t1 values (1); drop table t1 purge;
-- 查詢 Users 認證 col username format a30 col password format a30 col account_status format a25 SELECT username, password, password_versions, account_status, authentication_type FROM dba_users;
-- 查詢 Users default tablespace profile & value col username format a30 col password format a30 col profile format a30 SELECT username, default_tablespace, temporary_tablespaceE, profile FROM dba_users;
-- 修改 User Password ALTER USER user_name IDENTIFIED BY "Password" ACCOUNT UNLOCK;
-- Change User to Schema Only. (19c later) ALTER USER user_name NO AUTHENTICATION;
-- Create Proxy Session User
SELECT * FROM proxy_users;
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