Check the undo tablespace total, free and used space(Size in MB) in Oracle
SELECT a.tablespace_name, SIZEMB, USAGEMB, (SIZEMB - USAGEMB) FREEMB FROM ( SELECT SUM (bytes) / 1024 / 1024 SIZEMB, b.tablespace_name FROM dba_data_files a, dba_tablespaces b WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name AND b.contents like 'UNDO' GROUP BY b.tablespace_name) a, ( SELECT c.tablespace_name, SUM (bytes) / 1024 / 1024 USAGEMB FROM DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS c WHERE status <> 'EXPIRED' GROUP BY c.tablespace_name) b WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name;
TABLESPACE_NAME SIZEMB USAGEMB FREEMB ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- UNDOTBS1 163835 163827.375 7.625
with free_sz as ( select tablespace_name, sum(f.bytes)/1048576/1024 free_gb from dba_free_space f group by tablespace_name ), a as ( select tablespace_name , sum(case when status = 'EXPIRED' then blocks end)*8/1048576 reusable_space_gb , sum(case when status in ('ACTIVE', 'UNEXPIRED') then blocks end)*8/1048576 allocated_gb from dba_undo_extents where status in ('ACTIVE', 'EXPIRED', 'UNEXPIRED') group by tablespace_name ) , undo_sz as ( select tablespace_name, df.user_bytes/1048576/1024 user_sz_gb from dba_tablespaces ts join dba_data_files df using (tablespace_name) where ts.contents = 'UNDO' and ts.status = 'ONLINE' ) select tablespace_name, user_sz_gb, free_gb, reusable_space_gb, allocated_gb , free_gb + reusable_space_gb + allocated_gb total from undo_sz join free_sz using (tablespace_name) join a using (tablespace_name);
TABLESPACE_NAME USER_SZ_GB FREE_GB REUSABLE_SPACE_GB ALLOCATED_GB TOTAL ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------- ------------ ---------- UNDOTBS1 31.9980469 15.3109741 .003051758 176.674255 191.988281 UNDOTBS1 31.9980469 15.3109741 .003051758 176.674255 191.988281 UNDOTBS1 31.9980469 15.3109741 .003051758 176.674255 191.988281 UNDOTBS1 31.9980469 15.3109741 .003051758 176.674255 191.988281 UNDOTBS1 31.9980469 15.3109741 .003051758 176.674255 191.988281 UNDOTBS1 31.9980469 15.3109741 .003051758 176.674255 191.988281
Check the Active, expired and unexpired transaction space usage in Undo Tablespace
ACTIVE: Status show us the active transaction going in database, utilizing the undo tablespace and cannot be truncated.
EXPIRED: Status show us the transaction which is completed and complete the undo_retention time and now first candidate for trucated from undo tablespace.
UNEXPIRED: Status show us the transaction which is completed but not completed the undo retention time. It can be trucated if required.
select tablespace_name tablespace, status, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 sum_in_mb, count(*) counts from dba_undo_extents group by tablespace_name, status order by 1,2;
TABLESPACE STATUS SUM_IN_MB COUNTS ------------------------------ --------- ---------- ---------- UNDOTBS1 ACTIVE 64.125 3 UNDOTBS1 EXPIRED 3 48 UNDOTBS1 UNEXPIRED 198002.688 6567
ORA-30036: unable to extend segment by 8 in undo tablespace 'UNDOTBS1'
Add UNDO tablespace datafile
alter tablespace undotbs1 add datafile '/oracle/oradata/orcl/undotbs05.dbf' size 32767M;
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