How to Install Home Assistant On Virtual Machine in TrueNAS Scale

1. Download TrueNAS vmdk from

You can download from here

2. SCP/SFTP the vmdk to TrueNAS, if you don't have VMs/src path, then create it

# scp haos_ova-9.3.vmdk admin@TrueNAS_IPAddress:/mnt/DATA-Pool/VMs/src

3. SSH Login as root to TrueNAS and convert the vmdk to raw img

# qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O raw /mnt/DATA-Pool/VMs/src/haos_ova-9.3.vmdk hassos.img

4. Create VM on TrueNAS Web Control then get Disk Zvol path and build zvol size 64G

My build path example is:


5. SSH Login as root and use dd to write the image file to your zvol

# dd if=hassos.img of=/dev/DATA-Pool/VMs/HomeAssistant-ib314
67108864+0 records in
67108864+0 records out
34359738368 bytes (34 GB, 32 GiB) copied, 587.002 s, 58.5 MB/s

6. Start Virtual Machine and Login on Home Assistant Website

Or follow community step

1. Download VMDK
2. Convert VMDK to IMG
3. Create a Zvol and size over 34GB using the TrueNas Scale GUI
4. Use dd to write the image file to your zvol
5. Create a virtual machine using the gui and attach the zvol you just created as the hdd



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