How to reset windows password on Parallels VM

Step 1. Start Windows VM and keep on login screen

Step 2. Open Terminal and input prlctl list --all to show running VM

% prlctl list --all
UUID                                    STATUS       IP_ADDR         NAME
{f4480e9a-e42a-42e5-a808-ad75a4b44838}  running      -               WINTL

Step 3. copy UUID from the output of the previous command --userpasswd username:password

% prlctl set {f4480e9a-e42a-42e5-a808-ad75a4b44838} --userpasswd user:1234qwer

Authentication tokens updated successfully.
Success. The operation was successfully completed.

The VM has been successfully configured.

Step 4. Loging Windows and finish

Note: if user account is lock, then input exec to unlock

% prlctl exec {UUID} net user username /active:yes


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