[pgadm@pgrep1 ~]$ psql psql: error while loading shared libraries: libpq.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [pgadm@pgrep1 ~]$ cat ~/.bash_profile # .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs export PGHOME=/pgbin/pghome_1 export PGDATA=/pgdata/dbdata export PGPORT=5699 export PATH=$PATH:$PGHOME/bin
解決方法就是參數LD_LIBRARY_PATH加入PostgreSQL HOME底下的lib路徑,然後再重新讀取
[pgadm@pgrep1 pghome_1]$ vim ~/.bash_profile export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PGHOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH [pgadm@pgrep1 pghome_1]$ source ~/.bash_profile
[pgadm@pgrep1 pghome_1]$ psql psql: error: connection to server on socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5699" failed: FATAL: database "pgadm" does not exist
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